How To Help Your Teen Feel ANY Emotion,Without It Permanently Harming Them...
And Have Enduring Confidence To Create Any Result They Want In Life
Which Program is for you?
One free 30 minute session
If you're wanting to decide wether this coaching program is for you, take the opportunity to have a 30 minute coaching session with Cheree. Schedule it HERE
One 1:1 coaching session
If you want to dip your toe in the water and get coaching for one specific concern, not to develop good lifestyle habits over time, this is the option for you. Learn more HERE
How to be a Teenager/Young Adult successfully workbook
All of Cheree's coaching goodness in a go at your own pace workbook! It has accompanying videos to help you along the way. Purchase them HERE
Four 1:1 sessions and How to be a Teenager/Young Adult successfully workbook
Four 1:1 sessions with Cheree to start developing an abundant mindset. You'll target and work through negative thought patterns which can help every aspect of your life. It also comes with the go at your own page coaching workbook and course so you can continue your growth after these sessions are over. Learn more HERE
Ten 1:1 sessions, How to be a Teenager/Young Adult successfully workbook and monthly group coaching
For the person wanting to fully immerse in the life coaching journey!
This includes:
8 (60 minute) 1:1 life coaching sessions with Cheree (plus 2 free ones to use throughout the year you've signed up)
The coaching workbook and course to continue your thought work at your own pace once your 1:1 sessions are completed
Once a month group coaching calls (all done anonymously) with other teens and young adults to work through things together and continue challenging your thoughts and being in control of your brain
The ability to book additional 60 minute 1:1 sessions with Cheree for half price ($100 each)
Learn more HERE
Client Reviews
Hi I'm Cheree
When I was a teenager I labeled myself as a wall flower, aka, someone who just blended in and had little to offer.
That label didn’t really help me, in fact it created a lot more doubt in myself, contributed to very little self-confidence, few dates or dates with the wrong kind of guys, and not a whole lot of healthy social experiences.
What I’ve learned since, through my life experiences and extensive training (including The Life Coach School and the Creation Coach Certification Program) has CHANGED MY LIFE!